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PGCE masters essay: From E-learning to M-learning in Modern Foreign Languages
This is a 5000 word PGCE masters essay which was awarded a distinction for my PGCE.
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PGCE module essay - SEND
This was an essay for my PGCE looking at SEND and a particular students' needs. It looks at interventions put in place and their effectiveness.
Please do not copy any of the content within without my prior consent.

PGCE module essay - creating a scheme of work
This was an essay from one of my PGCE modules on creating my own scheme of work and assessing its effectiveness and place in the MFL classroom.
Please do not copy any of the content within without my prior consent.

PGCE Masters essay - Using assessment to raise achievement in MFL
This is a 5000 word masters essay from my PGCE course which was awarded a distinction.
Please do not copy any of the content within without my consent.